This is the application form for RDS volunteer program.

Are you passionate about natural building, whole-system farming, sustainability, diversity, authenticity, and community living? Are you clear on what it is you’re looking for and in which direction you’re headed? If you’re hard working, self motivated, and bring with you significant experience in relevant fields, then it is time to apply using the form below.

Before you apply…

  • Remember that you need to have significant and relevant experience in order to participate in our volunteer program. If you’re not quite there yet consider becoming a farm intern. The experience will change your life.
  • Volunteers with significant and relevant experience go through a 2 week trial period during which we ask for a contribution of $15/day to compensate for some of the food expenses.
  • Volunteers need to commit to a 3 month stay, there’s plenty of time and opportunities for beach trips and travels within these 3 months.
  • RDS is a place where the conditions are created for a different way of life. Remember your aims and take practical actions towards them. Every day.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Volunteering application form

All fields are required.

Full Name:



Include country and area codes.

Full address:

Include your country ;).

Date of birth:

 Male Female

How did you hear about Raices del Sol?

I am applying...
 Alone With my partner If applying with a partner please mention his or her full name in the "additional comments" field below. Each applicant must also fill out the form separately.

Do you have children?
 Yes No RDS is a family friendly place and we can offer child care and educational programs to accommodate families. If this is your case make sure to mention it clearly in the "additional comments" field below to get more info on special family arrangements.

What is your prime motivation for volunteering at RDS?

Please describe your previous significant experience:

Do you feel motivated and capable of working hard and mostly outdoors throughout the day?

Do you have any health conditions we should be aware of?

Please let us know of any special diet restriction:

What would be the best part of being a RDS volunteer?

How can you as a volunteer encourage day to day integrity and authenticity?

How important are modern amenities for you?

Please include a photo of yourself:

Maximum 1 mb.

Additional comments: