For the more adventurous, fit, and dedicated folks out there, don’t miss out on this year’s forestry workshop. It will change and broaden your horizons in so many ways.

In March, we’ll be running an intense 4-day forestry workshop. Come join us in sunny Costa Rica for this unique opportunity to acquire invaluable and well rounded experience in the fascinating world of sustainable forestry, logging, milling, forestation, and profitable woodlot management.

No matter where you live in the world, if you have chosen to live close to nature and off of the land, you will need to master the many crafts of sustainable forestry. Any community, farm, homestead, or organization which aims for independence, sustainability, and resilience outside of the money cycle needs to include forestry as a crucially essential part of their operation.

If you strive for harmony and sustainability, you’ll get innumerable benefits from doing your own forestry while at the same time fostering integrity and positive impacts.

So don’t miss out on this unique opportunity! Head over to the forestry workshop page for all the info and to register online.