
912, 2013

growing papaya trees

December 9th, 2013|

growing papaya tree 01

912, 2013

quick hike to RDS waterfall

December 9th, 2013|

Some photos from a recent quick hike to our famous waterfall with fall interns. Why not become an RDS intern this winter and enjoy it yourself? It’s sunny here.

interns at the waterfall

RDS famous waterfall

waterfall sign

812, 2013

a daily sight

December 8th, 2013|

Lela eating watermelon

512, 2013

Two wrong turns

December 5th, 2013|

Caitlyn writes about some of her experience interning at Raices del Sol on her blog Two Wrong Turns.

2111, 2013

Come master the art of sustainable forestry

November 21st, 2013|

alaskan sawmill costa rica

In March we’ll be running an intense 4-day forestry workshop. Come join us in sunny Costa Rica for this unique opportunity to acquire invaluable and well rounded experience in the fascinating world of sustainable forestry, logging, milling, forestation, and profitable woodlot management.

No matter where you live in the world, if you have chosen to live close to nature and off of the land, you will need to master the many crafts of sustainable forestry. Any community, farm, homestead, or organization which aims for independence, sustainability, and resilience outside of the money cycle needs to include forestry as a crucially essential part of their operation.

If you strive for harmony and sustainability, you’ll get innumerable benefits from doing your own forestry while at the same time fostering a well-rounded and positive impact.

So don’t miss out on this unique opportunity! Head over to the forestry workshop page for all the info and to register online.

1511, 2013

Fresh harvest of Okinawan Spinach from the kitchen garden

November 15th, 2013|

okinawan spinach

Freshly harvested Okinawan Spinach from the kitchen garden.

1411, 2013

Our growing Mombasa pasture

November 14th, 2013|

Some months ago we planted a bunch of varieties of canes and pastures for horses, goats, and cows. Among them we also experimented with a type of grass called “Mombasa” shown on the pictures below.

pasture grass

mombasa pasture

pasture and canes

1011, 2013

The regular hatching of new baby chicks…

November 10th, 2013|

The regular hatching of new baby chicks from real chickens is one of the greatest joys of free-range poultry farming.

Baby chick

breeding chicken naturally

911, 2013

Behind the kitchen

November 9th, 2013|

farm to table costa rica

Behind the kitchen.

711, 2013

Live a life you love

November 7th, 2013|

There are still a few spots available in our upcoming 3-month internship program. If you want to live a life you love and create a new realm of possibilities for yourself and for the people around you then it’s time to step forward! Hurry up and register online.

timber frame internship

Our new Timber framed nursery/green-house was the first natural building project of the fall internship. All using wood we harvested and milled ourselves from fallen trees in RDS unique private wildlife refuge, and brought to the site through our jungle trails by men and horses. The structure is a true Timber Frame entirely built without a single nail, screw, or anything but beautiful wood and good geometry.